Wednesday 24 September 2008


I am just recovering from a dreadful experience!

I was sitting in Mum's living room chatting away when from the corner of my I eye I saw a mouse running across her carpet not three feet away from my feet! I quickly looked at it only to find it wasn't a mouse, but a mouse sized spider!!

Naturally I gently drew her attention to it by saying "Goodness gracious is that a spider?" or possibly even screaming "Aaaarghh! Look at the size of that flaming spider!! It's running across the floor!!" When it shot under a dresser I thought, well it will find a nice dark corner now and won't bother us any more.

More fool me.

A few minutes later I was sitting in the same spot on the sofa calm relaxed having forgotten about the existence of monster man eating arachnids when the damned creature returned! Woosh! right across the cushion right beside me!

There was no question about it this time. I shot out of that chair screaming like Usain Bolt with his pants on fire! "AAaarrrrgh! That damn spiders out to get me!" and I had a sneaking suspicion that it was lurking in my handbag, so I couldn't grab it and run away!

My mother approached with murderous intent, berating me for not standing on it when I had the chance (I had the chance?)

Fortunately the creature wasn't in my bag, it emerged at the bottom of the sofa near the floor and my sweet nephew came in saying "Don't kill it! Don't kill it! I'll get my jar!" I did think at the time this wasn't the time to trap and release the spider outside just so it could turn round and come back again, but by the time I had thought all that the spider was being encouraged into a jar by my nephew.

The twist in the tail is of course that as soon as the spider was trapped my dear nephew grinned in evil fashion and chanted fight! fight! fight!

What kind of person traps two spiders in a jar and watches them fight it out?